Friday 31 March 2017

Akhirnya elevenia mengakui kesalahannya

Melanjutkan postingan saya sebelumnya terkait kelebihan ongkos kirim yang dikenakan pada saya oleh toko online dengan tagline #klikcarihepi (baca disini).. Akhirnya elevenia menyadari dan mengakui kesalahan.. Itu terbukti dengan mereka mengembalikan kelebihan ongkos kirim ke rekening saya pada tanggal 29 Maret 2017.. Hanya sayangnya, mungkin elevenia menghitung menggunakan kalkukator “RUSAK”.. Karena dalam perhitungan mereka, Rp41.600 (ongkir + asuransi yang saya bayarkan) – Rp9.000 (ongkir yang mereka gunakan) = Rp10.000 (uang yang mereka kembalikan ke rekening saya)..
Saya memutuskan, ya sudahlah, Walaupun sebenarnya masih ada selisih kekurangan ongkos kirim sebesar Rp22.600 yang harus mereka kembalikan kepada saya, tapi saya ikhlaskan saja.. Saya berkesimpulan, penyebab elevenia berusaha menunda-nunda, bahkan tidak ingin mengembalikan kelebihan ongkos kirim tersebut dikarenakan, mereka tidak mampu membeli kalkulator baru..
 Laah... Wong kalkulator rusak aja masih di pakai....

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Apakah Yang Dilakukan Elevenia Ini Termasuk Pelanggaran Hukum???

Hello guys, sudah sekian lama saya tidak ngepost apa-apa ya.. Kali ini postnya dalam bahasa Indonesia aja ga pake bahasa inggris hehehe. Saya ingin menceritakan pengalaman saya yang kurang mengenakkan tentang berbelanja online di salah satu situs terkenal dengan tagline #klikcarihepi.

Saya membeli produk Olive Shampoo 270mL yang saya pesan melalui elevenia dengan nama toko penjual “Klikmarket” (no. transaksi 201703100216923). Saya memesan produk sebanyak 3 buah pada hari Jumat, 10 Maret 2017 dan di konfirmasi oleh elevenia pada hari itu juga pukul 23.10. Saya pun segera melakukan pembayaran melalui internet banking dan di konfirmasi oleh elevenia pada pukul 23.25. Untuk pengiriman pesanan saya tersebut, saya memilih metode pengiriman express delivery + asuransi, karena saya ingin barang tersebut segera saya terima. Untuk metode pengiriman tersebut, saya dikenakan biaya sebesar Rp41.600.

Pada hari Senin tanggal 13 Maret, pesanan tersebut tidak kunjung saya terima. Saya jadi bertanya-tanya, kenapa produk tersebut belum sampai, sedangkan saya menggunakan metode pengiriman EXPRESS DELIVERY + ASURANSI?

Ternyata, pesanan saya tersebut tiba di tempat saya pada tanggal 14 Maret 2017 pada pukul 21.12 dengan metode pengiriman yang tercantum pada resi yaitu TARIF REGULER TANPA ASURANSI sebesar HANYA Rp9.000.

Tampaknya disinilah akar permasalahannya mengapa pesanan saya lambat tiba di tempat saya. Saya memesan dengan total tarif ongkos kirim sebesar Rp41.600, sedangkan pengiriman dilakukan HANYA menggunakan tarif REGULER yaitu sebesar Rp9.000. Jadi ada selisih sebesar Rp32.600.
Hari itu juga tanggal (14 Maret 2017), saya mencoba menelpon langsung ke elevenia, menanyakan perihal keganjilan ongkos kirim tersebut. Pihak elevenia meminta saya untuk mengirimkan bukti pemesanan, resi pengiriman yang tercantum pada barang, dan foto dari barang tersebut. Semua permintaan elevenia saya penuhi, bahkan foto mobil kurir yang mengantar barang tersebut pun saya sertakan.

Tanggal 15 Maret, CS elevenia yang bernama Retno menyatakan bahwa klaim saya telah diajukan pada pihak seller dan sedang dalam proses. Pada hari Kamis 16 Maret, saya mencoba menelpon lagi ke pihak elevenia, dan dijawab “sedang dalam proses”. Sejak hari tersebut, hampir setiap hari saya menelpon elevenia, dan selalu dijawab SEDANG DALAM PROSES, dan berkelanjutan sampai hari ini tulisan ini dibuat (28 Maret pukul 00.00 WIB), saya belum mendapat kejelasan atas pengembalian kelebihan dana yang sudah saya bayarkan melalui elevenia.

Disini saya hanya ingin berbagi kepada teman-teman agar berhati-hati dan lebih teliti dalam memilih tarif ongkir, karena dari pengalaman ini saya merasakan BETAPA SULITNYA meminta pengembalian dana tersebut dari elevenia dan kalaupun dana tersebut dikembalikan, secara nilai pun saya sudah dirugikan, karena hampir setiap hari saya harus menelpon dan entah sudah berapa banyak pulsa yang saya habiskan hanya untuk mendapat jawaban SEDANG DALAM PROSES.

Mengenai tindakan penyimpangan tarif seperti yang terjadi dalam kasus saya ini, silahkan teman-teman simpulkan sendiri, apakah ini termasuk penyelewengan, penggelapan, atau korupsi????? Nilainya mungkin tidak seberapa, tapi perbuatannya itulah yang perlu di waspadai.

Bagi para penggiat penegakkan hukum yang tertarik dan peduli terhadap kejadian ini, saya memiliki data lengkap sejak pemesanan, barang tersebut tiba, dan proses pengaduan yang tidak kunjung ada penyelesaian, mudah-mudahan itu semua dapat menjadi bahan.

Tolong bantu share post ini, agar tidak ada lagi orang yang mengalami kejadian serupa seperti yang saya alami ini. Terima kasih.

Monday 23 January 2017

Review Catrice Cosmetics Longlasting Lip Pencil

Hello everyone!
It's better late then never right?  So i just wanna say Happy New Year guys!! Hope this year would be a wonderful journey :D
After reviewing lip cream and lipstick by a local product, todaaayy, I'm gonna make a review about lip pencil by Catrice Cosmetics, which is not a local product, if I'm not mistaken, this product is from Germany. I've never heard this brand before honestly, i search through youtube and other blog, after i bought it (quite risky action), they said that this is brand just came to Indonesia, I've never saw people around me using this brand, but i am interested to this products since it has so much colors, and the price is affordable too. Affordable stuff is always interesting right? :D

I bought two colors of Catrice Cosmetic longlasting Lip Pencil, which in number 100 - Upper Brown Side and number 020 - Hey Macadamia Ahey!  

To be honest, this is the first time i am interested to buy a lip liner and it's because i suddenly remember about Kylie Lip Kit products, which has a lip liner in it. I try to search a similar color to Dolce K, Candy K and Exposed, because I'm really in love with those colors. I started to searching through internet, and i found Silkygirl lip liner is the one that catch my eye (even though there is no color that similar to any of the colors that i mention before), but when i came to the mall and search the nude one, i couldn't find it anywhere. And there is a lot of people said that they stop producing that color. So when i'm asking to the SPG in the guardian, they bring me to this product, and both of this color catch my eye.
I think the number 020 is quite similar to Dolce K, and number 100 is similar to Exposed. I'm not owning any of the Kylie Lip Kit products, i search the colors only by searching through the internet, so i couldn't guaranteed that it is the same color.

020 - Hey Macadamia Ahey! has more brownie color which i like. it'spretty pigmented, but you have to wear it a few times. I feel it kinda hard to wear it for the first time when the tip of the pencil was really sharp, it hurts to be honest, so don't sharpened it too sharp.

100 - Upper Brown Side is not really brown. It's brown color with a touch of dark pink. I don't know if this true or not, but when i saw it, i feel like it brighten up my face, it make my face look healthier (because i have such a pale pink color on my lips), when i wear this lip liner, i look healthier.
The texture of the product is pretty smooth, i found out that it's not so creamy, it's quite a task to wear it, but it's smooth enough for lips. The colors is really nice, and it's quite cheap, only 31.000 rupiahs. It makes my lips look more alive, while doesn't make it look like really wear any lip products. It feels really light. The only things i don't like about this product is it needs to be sharpened, literally a pencil. It claims waterproof and longlasting

A little Tips for you girls, if you bought a nude lipstick, or lip cream, and it turns out to make your face look pale, you could use this liner to cover all your lips first, after that use your lipstick/lip cream. I've tried it on my lips, combine between number 20 and Wardah Exclusive Matte Lip Cream number 11, and i really love how it turns out. 
  Hope you enjoy it, and i'll see you soon on my next post :D

Tuesday 20 December 2016

My Figthing Acne Stories and Experience

Hello everyone!

In this post, i will share the story about how i fight my acnes, and about the products that i use almost everyday to prevent acnes to comeback! Actually my skin is a combination type, which is quite oily at the T-zone, but dry at the rest. At the beginning of 2016, i was at Bandung for holiday. That time, I'm not a type that really care about skincare. What i use daily is only a facial wash from Hada Labo Shirojyun Ultimate Whitening. My aunt ask me and my mom to try the product that she wear.  Starting from cleanser, toner, until the mask. It's kinda okay for the first few hours. BUT, suddenly my face turn really red and itchy, i got a really bad irritation and it started to break out at the night.

And the saddest part is, when i try to go back to my usual facial wash, but it doesn't work as before :( I have to try and search again which product that will suit my skin. I try to use a baby soap for a while because i think it will neutralize my skin. After it's done quite well, i started to think that i have to take care more about my skin. I started to use the Hada Labo Starter Pack Shirojyun Whitening Series products (the small package one that consist of facial wash, toner, and moisturizer) but my face can't suit the facial wash anymore. I go through, youtube and blog, which talking about skincare routine, or how to fight acnes, and finally, i found a face wash that suit my skin

Acnes Creamy facial wash is the chosen one. I started to use this product for 3 days, and my acne started to dry, but it makes my face really feel dry. Sometimes it's too dry until i feel acute. Then i try to combine it with the toner and moisturizer that i got from Hada Labo, but it doesn't work well. The moisturizer make my face look oily. So i stopped using it, and started to do a research (on internet) to find another product that may be works well for me.

Vitacid 0,025%

I got tired of hearing everyone said that my face look not good. Even my mom was shock when she come back to Jakarta and saw there is a lot acne scars on my face. Finally i got to meet my cousin which is a doctor, and she ask me to use Vitacid to remove the dirt that may be pile up on my face. She said that probably will make a horrible break out at first, but don't stop wearing it. So i try it, and unfortunately, it doesn't really break out. There is an acne, but it come out one by one though.

It work quite well on me, and after i wear it almost one month, it make my face look more clear. There is still an acne scars, but not as horrible as before. My friends also asking me, what kind of product that i use. I wear the 0,025% because my cousin said that the type of my acne is still not the horrible one (but it still have an impact, that make me ashamed of my face condition).

I bought it on a pharmacist counter near my house, and it's really affordable, if I'm not mistaken, the price range is about 15.000 - 25.000 rupiahs.

 If you are going to try using this product, don't use it at the morning or afternoon, because it will not work at a day. The products work at midnight. And it will make your skin look darker, because Vitacid does have a reaction to a sun light. I don't know if it's okay to wear it while you were a sunblock or not, but as far as i know, this product doesn't work at a day, so it's really a waste if you wear it midday.

If you have try the product that listed above, have any experience with the product, or if there is any other product that you think good, or recommended, feel free to leave the comment below, and maybe i will try and make a review about it ;)

Hope you enjoy it, and i'll see you soon on my next post :D

Thursday 15 December 2016

Review Lipstick Purbasari Color Matte No. 81 (Diamond) & No. 90 (Crystal)

Hello everyone!

Today, i will do a review of Purbasari Color Matte Lipstick in No. 81 - Diamond and No. 90 - Crystal. So currently lipstick matte is really hype everywhere. Literally everywhere. After i post and talk about Lip Cream Matte with my friend, i still found out that people around me still talking about this Purbasari Lipstick.

For me personally, the packaging is standard. Black plastics material with a gold line that seperated the top and bottom part, and the Purbasari name in gold color which already faded now.

Actually Purbasari is not a new product. When it's really hype at first, this lipstick is really hard to find, and i mean it really really hard to find anywhere. I think it's because everyone searching for it. But since I'm not the type that really into lipstick and make up stuff, i just let it go.

After I'm taking my internship programmed and taking many activities at my church, i realize that make up it's quite important for me. Make up does make my face look brighter while I'm in a bad condition, or really tired. Make up can cover it up, especially lipstick. Lip color play a big role for your face girls, I'm telling the truth.

Left: 90 - Crystal & Right: 81 - Diamond

So as i said before in my Lip cream review that i post before, i am quite a fan of nude color lipstick. I don't really like bold color on my lips since it will make my face look more mature then my age. I bought No. 81 - Diamond, and i really like how it turns out on my face. 

The color look similar with my lips, the texture is creamy and not really drying, but the result is still matte. The lipstick glide smoothly on my lips, and the color is really pigmented. The smell.... i don't really know how to describe it, but it does has a nice smell and not bothering for me.

It stays for 4-5 hours with drinking and having a snack, but it fade away after i ate my lunch. It does suits for daily use i think.

No. 90 - Crystal, is quite similar with number 81 if you look it at a glance, but it does different. Number 81 look darker and more nude, while 90 look more orangey color. It suits you who want to make a no make up - make up looks, with a little bit color on your face. The texture, result, how long it tays, and how it glides on my lips is just the same with the number 81. There's no difference for me.

Left: 90 - Crystal & Right: 81 - Diamond
 This colour come up only by glide it to my skin one times. Really pigmented, and nice colors. Actually Purbasari has many shades for this lipstick. If i'm not mistaken, it's about 15 colors total, from number 81 - 95.

When you open up the lid, and roll the lipstick up, it feel frail. I bought the number 90, and get it out of the box as soon as possible after arrived at home, and i found out that it already cracked. I don't know why, i still put it on the box, but it's cracked. I still can use it though so I'm not that sad.

I bought it at Watson for 36.500 each. Really affordable, and really worth to try. I've ever heard from one of the beauty vlogger on youtube, she called it a dupe for kylie lip kit. If i compared it based on the color through the internet, i don't think this product is the dupe. But maybe she has another aspect to compared it.

Using number 90 - Crystal in this photo
From 1 - 10, i will rate this product at 9. For me, i personally love this product, really recommended, really affordable, and i would definitely bought this product again.

If you have try the product that listed above, have any experience with the product, or if there is any other product that you think good, or recommended, feel free to leave the comment below, and maybe i will try and make a review about it ;)

Hope you enjoy it, and i'll see you soon on my next post :D